Trezor® Hardware* Wallet©

Protect your crypto assets with the Trezor hardware wallet. It combines cutting-edge security features with a simple, user-friendly design to keep your cryptocurrencies safe.

Trezor® Hardware* Wallet© | Getting Started with TreŽor

The Trezor Wallet offers robust protection against phishing attacks and unauthorized access by employing multiple layers of security, both through its hardware design and software protocols. Here's how it keeps your cryptocurrency safe from these threats:

1. Offline Private Key Storage

Trezor’s most critical feature is that it stores your private keys offline on the device itself. This means that the private keys, which control access to your cryptocurrency, are never exposed to the internet or any online systems where phishing attacks typically occur. Even if a hacker tries to deceive you into revealing sensitive information, your private keys remain safe within the hardware.

2. Phishing-Resistant Transactions

Trezor has specific mechanisms in place to prevent phishing attacks:

  • Transaction Verification on the Device: Before any transaction is processed, Trezor requires physical confirmation on the device itself. Even if a phishing website tricks you into initiating a transaction, it cannot go through without you manually approving it on the Trezor hardware by pressing a physical button. This ensures that only you can authorize any movement of funds.

  • Address Verification: When you send funds, Trezor displays the recipient’s address on its screen, separate from the computer. This allows you to double-check that the address on the Trezor device matches the one displayed on your computer, protecting against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. Even if malware alters the destination address on your computer, you can catch this discrepancy by verifying the address on your Trezor.

3. Trezor Suite and Trusted Communication

Trezor works with the Trezor Suite, a software interface that provides access to your funds. Trezor Suite is designed to minimize the risk of phishing by ensuring all communication between your Trezor device and your computer is encrypted and authenticated. Additionally:

  • URL Verification: Trezor recommends accessing its services only through, and it promotes the use of the Trezor Suite desktop application for even higher security. By using these trusted tools, you reduce the risk of falling victim to fake websites that mimic legitimate services.

  • Anti-Phishing Mechanisms: Trezor Suite and the Trezor device provide warnings when detecting potentially malicious actions. For instance, if a phishing site attempts to mimic the wallet’s login, Trezor will not permit the transaction.

4. PIN Code Protection

Each time you use your Trezor device, you need to enter a PIN code. This PIN is not stored on your computer or transmitted online, making it impossible for phishing attacks or malware to intercept it. If someone tries to access your device without knowing the correct PIN, the Trezor device will lock after several incorrect attempts, exponentially increasing the delay time between attempts.

  • Protection Against Brute Force Attacks: After each incorrect PIN entry, the waiting time before the next attempt increases. This prevents attackers from using brute-force methods to guess the PIN.

5. Recovery Seed and Passphrase

When you set up your Trezor wallet, you receive a recovery seed (12 or 24 words) that allows you to restore your wallet in case of loss or damage. This recovery seed should be kept offline and never shared with anyone.

  • Passphrase Option: Trezor offers an optional passphrase feature, which adds an extra layer of security. A passphrase acts as an additional word to your recovery seed, and without it, your wallet cannot be accessed. Even if an attacker somehow gains access to your recovery seed, they cannot access your funds without the passphrase.

6. Firmware and Security Updates

Trezor regularly provides firmware updates to address any security vulnerabilities and enhance protection against emerging threats. Each time you connect your Trezor device, it checks whether the firmware is up-to-date. By keeping the device updated, Trezor ensures that your wallet is always protected against the latest phishing tactics and security exploits.

  • Tamper-Proof Firmware: Trezor firmware is designed to detect unauthorized modifications. If someone attempts to tamper with the device, it will display a warning and refuse to connect.

7. Backup and Recovery

Even if an attacker tries to gain unauthorized access to your Trezor wallet through a compromised computer, your assets remain secure due to the device’s built-in protections:

  • Offline Recovery Seed: The recovery seed allows you to recover your wallet on another device, but it must be physically written down and stored securely offline. This ensures that phishing attacks targeting your computer or online accounts cannot gain access to this crucial information.

8. Strong Encryption

Trezor employs strong encryption algorithms to protect your private keys, transaction data, and communication between the device and Trezor Suite. Even if an attacker manages to intercept the communication, they cannot decode the data without the device itself.


Trezor Wallet protects against phishing attacks and unauthorized access by isolating your private keys, requiring physical confirmation for transactions, and offering features like PIN protection and optional passphrase security. Its offline storage of sensitive data and address verification ensures that even in compromised environments, phishing attempts are rendered ineffective, giving you complete control over your cryptocurrency.

Last updated